Community Outreach

If you'd like to learn more about any of the following community outreach efforts,
please contact the appropriate person by clicking the button below. 


Food Pantry

The food pantry meets the third Tuesday of every month from 9:00-11:00AM. But the work begins long before that! Volunteers are needed to unload the truck and stock the shelves each Tuesday morning. The Friday morning before handout week we bag the groceries. On handout day we need volunteers to sign people in, and volunteers to load the food into cars. There's a job for anyone! 

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Leadership breakfast

Leadership Breakfast is for all Wheelersburg High School students and staff. It's always on Football Fridays at 7:00AM in the church Fellowship Hall in the church basement. Students are fed breakfast and given a brief talk in leadership. Coach Woodward schedules a different speaker each week. Opportunities to serve include set-up, provide food, prepare and serve food and clean-up.   

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spirit sunday

Spirit Sunday is the most attended service of the entire year at Wheelersburg UMC. The day begins with breakfast for all students and a special speaker. Students then gather in the sanctuary to hear inspirational talks from their peers. They also are given prayer cards to share with the adults in the service. the adults commit to pray for their student for the entire school year. It's also the time hundreds of "Pray For ...." signs are available.  


vacation bible school

Each Summer Wheelersburg MC has Vacation Bible School for children aged three through sixth grade. VBS typically begins the last Monday of July and ends on Friday. Numerous positions to serve are available including registration, class leader, music, lesson, crafts and snacks. 


Good Friday Walk

Every Good Friday our youth lead a procession up to old Wagner Hill. At Noon the students act out the crucifixion and retrace the steps of Jesus to Golgotha. This moving depiction has become a tradition for our community.     


Pancake Breakfast and Easter Egg Hunt

On the Saturday before Easter at the Wheelersburg Schools families are invited to come and have their little ones search for candy filled Easter Eggs. A free Pancake and sausage breakfast is also available for anyone who attends.   


Wheelersburg methodist church women’s Scholarship

Every Spring we take applications for our college scholarship. This grant is based on the mission experience of the applicant. The student has to be a resident of Scioto County and attend a college/university.   


ringing the salvation army bells

Around Christmas we partner with the local Salvation Army to ring the bells at the local Kroger store.


Jackson Area Ministries Work Camps

Each summer we partner with the Jackson Area Ministries to host a work camp. JAM schedules a church to perform work in locations throughout Scioto County.  We are a host site for these churches to work and enjoy beautiful Southern Ohio.