What times are your worship services?
Our Sunday morning worship service is at 10:00 am. The service is more traditional in style. We sing hymns, and also some newer songs as well. The choir shares their talents except for the summer months. A children’s lesson is incorporated in the worship time. Relevant, Biblically based preaching and teaching are shared by our pastor.
Do you have a nursery?
The nursery is available for all services and during Sunday School. To get to the nursery, use the main entrance, walk though the sanctuary and keep going straight. You can’t miss it!
Is anything special offered to my children during worship services?
Junior Church, for elementary aged children up to and including 6th graders is offered each Sunday. The children participant in the first part of worship in the sanctuary and are dismissed at a certain point during the service. Children are also welcomed to stay in the sanctuary with their parents.
How long do your services last?
Our services typically last an hour, sometimes it might go a little longer if there is communion or something special in the service.
Is your building wheelchair accessible?
We have a small elevator in the back of the sanctuary that is equipped to handle anyone with wheelchairs and walkers. It is also large enough to support most electric wheelchairs.
What ages are your Sunday School?
Sunday School is at 9:00AM. We have classes for all ages. Adult rooms are on the main floor and youth and children rooms are in the lower level of the educational wing.
Am I allowed to take communion?
Our church offers “open communion”, meaning you do not have to be “a member” to receive. Everyone is welcome to participate. Holy Communion is normally offered during the first Sunday of the month. We use grape juice instead of wine. Gluten free bread is available.
How do I or my baby get baptized?
If you or someone in your family desire to be baptized, please contact the church office at 740-574-2900. The pastor will get back to you regarding available dates. We baptize babies, children, youth and adults. Methods include sprinkling, pouring and immersion.
What should I wear on Sunday mornings?
You are welcome to wear what you feel comfortable in. Causal to semi-formal. You will see people dressed in suits and dresses and in slacks, jeans, capris and dress shirts, blouses and t-shirts and shorts.
Where do I park when attending your services?
There are various places to park on Sunday mornings. There are spaces immediately in front of the church, some are designated as handicapped parking. We have a gravel parking area across the street from the church and we have access to the funeral home parking lot right next door to the church. There is also “on the street parking” along Gallia Pike and Dewey Street.
Can I get married at your church?
A Christian marriage is a sacred event instituted by God and blessed and honored by Jesus himself (see John 2:1-11). Therefore, we take our role in this event very serious and want, for the couple, their family and friends, only the best experience. At Wheelersburg Methodist Church we believe that marriage occurs between a man and a woman. If you desire to get married at our church, you must first discuss arrangements with the pastor. Typically, our pastor marries all couples, but can also approve of someone you may specifically want to perform the ceremony. There is a Wedding Packet that couples may receive by calling the church office at 740-574-2900. Non-member wedding costs begin at $1,000.